The website of Tara and Tom Rothery


All songs are written, performed and recorded by Tom Rothery

Listen to tracks using players on this page, or download songs and albums by clicking the links

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NEW SINGLE - The 4ths of January.
Dedicated to everyone who, like me, who has a birthday just after the Chrstimas week  (Right click on link to save)

'The 4ths of January'
Going to Tolpuddle (2016)
(click on album to download zip file with tracks and art)  

'Going to Tolpuddle'

'The Twenty Four'
Going to Tolpuddle Album Cover

The Escapade (2013)
(click on album to download zip file with all tracks, art and sleevenotes)


escapade album cover

'In blood and pain'

Life on the Ground Floor (2011)
(click on album to download zip file with all tracks, art and sleevenotes)

'Bad Pop'

Life on the ground floor album cover

'Life on the Ground Floor'

Singles  (right click on links to download)

Rock and Rollocks   

Let your heart be good


£100 Taxi

Ruining your photos